Let me tell you about what is on this blog, before we go in to your common questions.

I am proud to be giving you a wonderful and really practical approach on everyday life. To many times i have run into blogs where the author appears "perfect" and i think to myself, nobody is that perfect... and this shit doesn't happen in real life... My blog tells you all the funny shit that my kid says/does and the way an actual house is, not some SAHM whos obsessed with pinterest and has nothing better to do. NOW NOW, don't get me wrong by 2014 i WILL be a sahm that does all the crafty bull shit with my kids, my hubs likes to call it being a pinterest mommy, well that's what i want anyways. I live in an apartment/town home that i cannot stand, and i am messy as shit and i HATE laundry. BUT i do have a system and i love my system. i am here to share with you why i blog. I blog about this because i am fabulously normal and am OK with that...



  1. You obviously have no clue what a stay at home mom does or how an "actual" home is ran. I stay home with my kids, one is in school and the other is home with me and between taking my oldest to school and picking her up I take care of my youngest while cleaning house and doing laundry. I also cook dinner, read to my kids, give them a bath every night and put them to bed. Most of the time by myself since my husband works so much (so I can stay at home). So NO I am not a "Pinterest mommy" I don't have time for that. I spend my time taking care of my kids, my home and my husband.

    1. Im sorry if I offened yiu. I did not mean to. My husband calls it that because it has awesome activities and lunch and dinner ideas and easy wayd to keep up with life. we wish I could stay at home to take care of them and my house. Im completly jealous of you and did not mean to offend.
